board of directors
Our Board of Directors consists of volunteers who have oversight responsibility for our mission, policies and financial health. We thank these dedicated community members for their commitment of time, talent and financial support.
Make a difference.
Join our Board of directors.
Are you ready to make a difference? Boys & Girls Clubs of South San Luis Obispo County is driven by the Board of Directors, a group of dedicated volunteers who lend their talents and unique experience to provide direction for our Club. Volunteering with the Board of Directors is a great opportunity to help our South SLO youth thrive in this every changing world, while guiding our South SLO Club toward a stronger future.
Apply now for a volunteer position on the Boys & Girls Clubs of South San Luis Obispo County Board of Directors or Committee member.
Apply now for a volunteer position on the Boys & Girls Clubs of South San Luis Obispo County Board of Directors or Committee member.